esp8266 v7 fake: GitHub - John-Athanasopoulos/Wifi-Deauther-ESP8266-Tutorial: A tutorial ...,DSTIKE WiFi Deauther OLED V7 KIT from Travis Lin on Tindie,Wi-fi Jammer and Fake Access Points using Nord MCU (Esp-8266),How to create WiFi jammer and fake Access Point (AP) with NodeMCU(ESP8266),
In this blog, we look into a small Micro Controller which we can use to Jam wi-fi and also put up some fake access points. Microcontrollers are inexpensive, effective, and commonly utilised by…
Unluckily not even the cheap ESP8266 are safe from fake versions on the market. A tutorial about how to recognize the original ones.
Stefan's Wi-Fi Deauther uses the ESP8266 to fake these messages, which can disable any targeted device within range from connecting to Wi-Fi. Hackers can use the Deauther to control Wi-Fi attacks from a slick mobile-friendly web interface baked into the design.
I just purchased an Amica NodeMCU V2 (with CP2102 UART) It just doesn't seem to work. Installed drivers, swapped 4 computers and 5 different cables. Surfing the web, I found to my surprise that there are lots of fake and bogus boards. Is there any way I can spot if mine if Official or Fake?